Olá! Eis uma campanha que a PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment ofAnimals) lançou:
"Jenna Jameson: “Too Much Sex Can Be a Bad Thing”
Rumours are circulating that adult film icon Jenna Jameson may be pregnant. Now, whether or not this is true, there’s one thing for sure – she knows the importance of birth control - animal birth control that is. That’s why Jenna has posed naked for PETA US’ latest ABC ad with the tagline ‘Sometimes Too Much Sex Can Be a Bad Thing’.
“Until dogs and cats can go on the pill or wear condoms, we need to help them practice safe sex – by spaying and neutering”, says Jenna. “Millions of homeless animals are turned in to shelters every year because there simply aren’t enough good homes for them all. The answer is easy as ABC: animal birth control, which means get Fido and Fluffy fixed!”
Every year, thousands of dogs and cats are abandoned (and often euthanised) at animal shelters in the U.K. simply because there are not enough good homes. So, what does animal birth control mean? Well, it means doing the honourable thing and always, always spaying and neutering your companion animals, and never buying from a breeder or pet shop."
"Jenna Jameson: “Too Much Sex Can Be a Bad Thing”
Rumours are circulating that adult film icon Jenna Jameson may be pregnant. Now, whether or not this is true, there’s one thing for sure – she knows the importance of birth control - animal birth control that is. That’s why Jenna has posed naked for PETA US’ latest ABC ad with the tagline ‘Sometimes Too Much Sex Can Be a Bad Thing’.
“Until dogs and cats can go on the pill or wear condoms, we need to help them practice safe sex – by spaying and neutering”, says Jenna. “Millions of homeless animals are turned in to shelters every year because there simply aren’t enough good homes for them all. The answer is easy as ABC: animal birth control, which means get Fido and Fluffy fixed!”
Every year, thousands of dogs and cats are abandoned (and often euthanised) at animal shelters in the U.K. simply because there are not enough good homes. So, what does animal birth control mean? Well, it means doing the honourable thing and always, always spaying and neutering your companion animals, and never buying from a breeder or pet shop."
Parece-me uma boa maneira de chamar a atenção das pessoas... pelo menos atrairá mais pessoas do que as campanhas tradicionais... ahah
2 comentários:
Confesso que o título é perturbador. quem não sabe do que se trata pode muito bem ter um ataque cardíaco a pensar que existem pessoas que podem pensar uma barbaridade dessas. Mas quando se lê o artigo é impossível não se concordar com ele.
É o mal de não se poder aplicar o "planeamento familiar canino". Como tal, recai sobre nós a responsabilidade de cuidar do futuro desta espécie, para que continuem a ser os melhores amigos do Homem.
A primeira vez que ouvi falar nesta campanha, chegou-me aos ouvidos (ou aos olhos) que havia uma jovem da indústria porno que tinha pousado para a PETA... fiquei um pouco confusa... depois de ver a foto pensei "mas que raio de afirmação é esta? e que foto deprimente é aquela... e mais, o que tem isto a ver com os animais?" mas depressa percebi o conteúdo... o que interessa é que me chamou a atenção e me fez ler o artigo... espero que funcione com muitas mais pessoas
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